A string containing characters to be ignored.
The locale of the input string. Defaults to en-US.
The message to display if the response fails validation. If unspecified, displays a generic message.
Validates that a string contains only letters and numbers.
The latest valid date, inclusive.
The earliest valid date, inclusive.
A list of hosts to disallow (e.g. ["gmail.com"] will fail to validate "myemail@gmail.com")
The message to display if the response fails validation. If unspecified, displays a generic message.
Validates that a string is a valid email.
A unique identifier for the form.
The maximum length of the string.
The message to display if the response fails validation. If unspecified, displays a generic message.
The minimum length of the string.
Validates that a string is of a certain length.
The maximum valid number, inclusive.
The minimum valid number, inclusive.
Pads the number with trailing zeros after the radix. The number of zeros is controlled by the scale.
The number of digits allowed after the radix.
Allows the number to contain a positive or negative sign.
The message to display if the response fails validation. If unspecified, displays a generic message.
If true, the validator will reject numeric strings that feature a symbol (e.g. +
, -
, or .
Validates that a string contains only numbers.
The expected pattern for the input. The following wildcards are allowed: A = alphabetical character 0 = numeric digit
000.000.0000 allows 123.456.7890 and 555.555.5555, but not ABC.DEF.GHIJ or 123.456 AAA-AAAA allows ABC-DEFG and XXX-YYZZ, but not 123-4567 or ABC-1234
The message to display if the response fails validation. If unspecified, displays a generic message.
Validates that a string matches a regular expression. Pattern can be specified as a RegExp or a string with flags.
A unique identifier for the prompt. This will be used as the key in the response object.
The label displayed to the user.
If true, allows the user to submit the form without entering a value.
The list of options to display for the prompt.
The initial selected value for the prompt.
The style of select prompt to use. Defaults to radio.
The label displayed to the user.
Optional; can be used to modify the appearance of options.
The value of the response, if selected.
The default value for the prompt.
A unique identifier for the prompt. This will be used as the key in the response object.
The label displayed to the user.
Adds client-side input masking.
If multiple is true, the maximum number of items to allow in the array.
If true, the user will be able to enter multiple values and the response value will be in the form of an array.
If true, allows the user to submit the form without entering a value.
Placeholder text to display.
If true and masking is enabled, sends the masked value instead of the raw value.
Adds client-side validation to the text input. See ValidationOptions for more information.
Overrides the color of the text/outline
Outline variant will include a border, themed by the style Transparent variant will only show the text
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A string containing characters to be ignored.