Delete cache based on type
and scope
in options.
Name of key. Max length for key is 256 characters.
Retrieve cache based on type
and scope
in options.
Defaults to CacheType.InMemory
and CacheScope.Skill
Name of key. Max length for key is 256 characters.
Set cache based on type
and scope
in options.
Defaults to CacheType.InMemory
and CacheScope.Skill
Name of key. Max length for key is 256 characters.
Value to store.
For CacheType.Distributed
, the value size is restricted to 256 KB or less.
For CacheType.InMemory
, the value size is not restricted.
Warning There are limits on skills total memory usage, so be careful when handling objects beyond 100MB in size. Skills will restart if memory usage is too high.
Generated using TypeDoc
CachePowers is specifically designed to cater to high-performance use cases, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. It uses either skill's memory or shared distributed memory. The expected performance for retrieving or storing cache objects can vary between 10ms to 500ms, depending on the size of the object.