
  • DataPowers



Static delete

  • delete(keyOrFilename: string, options?: DeleteOptions): Promise<boolean>
  • Delete data based on type and scope in options.


    {TypeError} when keyOrFilename is missing.


    Deleting Skill or Organization scope file or JSON store data from within a skill code

    // Ensure you import DataPowers
    import { DataPowers, DataScope, DataTypes } from "@andi/powers";
    await DataPowers.delete("keyName", { type: DataType.File });
    await DataPowers.delete("keyName", { scope: DataScope.Organization });


    • keyOrFilename: string

      Name of key for JSON store or filename for file store.

    • Optional options: DeleteOptions


    Returns Promise<boolean>

Static deleteCollection

  • deleteCollection(type: CollectionType, collectionName: string): Promise<boolean>
  • WARNING: Removes collection and all associated data.

    Cannot be undone. Any in-flight changes to collection data will error.


    {RangeError} when unknown collection type


    {TypeError} when type or collectionName are invalid


    {RangeError} when collectionName length is >512 length


    Returns Promise<boolean>

Static get

  • get<T>(keyOrFilename: string, options?: GetOptions): Promise<T>
  • Retrieve data based on type and scope in options. Defaults to DataType.Json and DataScope.Skill.


    {TypeError} when keyOrFilename is missing.


    Retrieving data for DataType.Json will not maintain order of keys within JSON objects (and arrays).


    Getting different types of data from within your skill code

    // Ensure you import DataPowers
    import { DataPowers, DataScope, CsvParseOptions } from "@andi/powers";
    const key = "my-key-name-here";
    // getting a number
    const counter = await DataPowers.get<number>(key);
    // getting a complex object from different `scope`
    const obj = await DataPowers.get<any>(key, { scope: DataScope.Organization });
    // getting a text file data
    const textData = await DataPowers.get<string>("my-text-file.txt", { type: DataType.File, parseOptions: "text" });
    // getting raw buffer from a file
    const buf = await DataPowers.get<Buffer>("sample-file.txt", { type: DataType.File, scope: DataScope.Organization, parseOptions: "buffer" });
    // getting csv rows
    type MyRow = {
        id: string;
        city: string;
        zip: string;
    const csvParseOptions: CsvParseOptions = { delimiter: ","};
    const csvRows = await DataPowers.get<MyRow[]>("my-test.csv", { type: DataType.File, parseOptions: csvParseOptions });

    Type parameters

    • T = unknown


    • keyOrFilename: string

      Name of key for JSON store or filename for file store.

    • Optional options: GetOptions


    Returns Promise<T>

Static getOrCreateCollection

  • Collection type and name are unique across all organization skills.

    After first time create, can only update cache expiration settings.


    {RangeError} when unknown collection type


    {TypeError} collectionName or options are invalid


    {RangeError} when collectionName length is >512 length


    {Error} various errors for invalid option configurations. See CollectionOptions for more information


    Creating a collection

    // Ensure you import DataPowers
    import { DataPowers, CollectionType, CollectionExpirationMode } from "@andi/powers";
    type MyApproval = {
        processId?: string;
        isApproved: boolean;
    const approvals = await DataPowers.getOrCreateCollection<MyApproval>(CollectionType.Dictionary, "approvals");
    await approvals.set("newBusinessOpportunity", { isApproved: true });

    Creating a collection that never expires

    // Ensure you import DataPowers
    import { DataPowers, CollectionType, CollectionExpirationMode } from "@andi/powers";
    type MyApproval = {
        processId?: string;
        isApproved: boolean;
    const approvals = await DataPowers.getOrCreateCollection<MyApproval>(CollectionType.Dictionary, "approvals", { expiry: { expireMode: CollectionExpirationMode.Never } });
    await approvals.set("newBusinessOpportunity", { isApproved: true });

    Creating an append log

    // Ensure you import DataPowers
    import { DataPowers, CollectionType, CollectionExpirationMode } from "@andi/powers";
    type FiSkillLog = {
        data: string;
    const someData = "";
    const skillLogs = await DataPowers.getOrCreateCollection<FiSkillLog>(CollectionType.Dictionary, "log", { expiry: { expireMode: CollectionExpirationMode.Never } });
    // Use uuid generator or another unique partition to negate or minimize key collision
    await skillLogs.set(PowerHelpers.uuid(), { data: someData });
    const allLogs = await skillLogs.values();
    // alternatively use entries to review logs by `createdAt`, `updatedAt`
    const allLogEntries = await skillLogs.entries();
    // sort by descending
    allLogEntries.sort((a, b) => b.createdAt.getTime() - a.createdAt.getTime());
    const lastLog = allLogEntries[0];

    Type parameters

    • T = unknown


    Returns Promise<Dictionary<T>>

Static list

  • Returns an array of DataItem based on type and scope in options. Defaults to DataType.Json and DataScope.Skill.


    Getting list of filenames or keys available from within a skill code

    // Ensure you import DataPowers
    import { DataPowers, DataScope, DataType } from "@andi/powers";
    // organization level Json type data items
    const dataItems = await DataPowers.list({ scope: DataScope.Organization, type: DataType.JSON });
    const firstKey = dataItems[0]?.name; // the key name for Json type data item
    const firstKeyLastUpdateDate = dataItems[0]?.lastUpdateDate; // last update date for Json type data item
    // skill level Json type data items
    const dataItems = await DataPowers.list({ scope: DataScope.Skill, type: DataType.JSON });
    // organization level File type data items
    const dataItems = await DataPowers.list({ scope: DataScope.Organization, type: DataType.File });
    // skill level File type data items
    const dataItems = await DataPowers.list({ scope: DataScope.Skill, type: DataType.File });
    const firstFilename = dataItems[0]?.name; // the filename for File type data item
    const firstKeyLastUpdateDate = dataItems[0]?.lastUpdateDate; // last update date for File type data item


    Returns Promise<DataItem[]>

Static search

  • search<T>(keyOrFilename: string, options: SearchOptions): Promise<T[]>
  • Search data based on type and scope in options.


    {TypeError} when keyOrFilename is missing.


    {TypeError} when searchOptions is missing.


    No guarantee of order of keys within JSON objects (and arrays).


    Searching data rows from within a skill code

    // Ensure you import DataPowers
    import { DataPowers, Condition, Operator } from "@andi/powers";
    // searching data rows - exampleRows below shows how your csv data will represent in JavaScript
    const exampleRows = [{rateType: "floating", rate: 10, region: "FL"}, {rateType: "fixed", rate: 12, region: "FL"}, {rateType: "floating", rate: 11, region: "NC"}];
    const condition: Condition = { key: "region", operator: Operator.Equals, value: "FL" };
    const searchOptions: SearchOptions = { where: condition, select: ["rateType", "rate"]};
    const results = await DataPowers.search<any>("my-test.csv", searchOptions);
    // your results array will look like [{rateType: "floating", rate: 10}, {rateType: "fixed", rate: 12}]

    Type parameters

    • T = unknown


    • keyOrFilename: string


    • options: SearchOptions


    Returns Promise<T[]>

    • T[]. Empty array when no search match is found.

Static set

  • set<T>(keyOrFilename: string, value: T, options?: SaveOptions): Promise<boolean>
  • Sets data based on type and scope in options. Defaults to DataType.Json and DataScope.Skill.


    {TypeError} when keyOrFilename is missing.


    {TypeError} when value is missing.


    {RangeError} when value is greater than 256 KB for DataType.Json or 1 MB for DataType.File.


    Setting different types of data from within a skill code

    // Ensure you import DataPowers
    import { DataPowers, DataScope, DataType } from "@andi/powers";
    const key = "my-key-name-here";
    // setting a number
    await DataPowers.set<number>(key, 10);
    // setting a complex object
    const obj = { a: "test", b: 1, c: true};
    await DataPowers.set<any>(key, obj, { scope: DataScope.Organization });
    // setting a text file data
    const textData = await DataPowers.set<string>("my-text-file.txt", "sample test here", { scope: DataScope.Skill, type: DataType.File });
    // setting raw buffer in a file
    await DataPowers.set<Buffer>("sample-file.txt", Buffer.from("sample test"), { scope: DataScope.Skill, type: DataType.File});

    Type parameters

    • T = unknown


    • keyOrFilename: string

      Name of key for JSON store or filename for file store.

    • value: T
    • Optional options: SaveOptions


    Returns Promise<boolean>

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