Interface FieldTag

Field tags allow for the ability to display a notification on a particular field in the application




Optional additionalLinkText

additionalLinkText: string

Allows you to override the default 'Additional Details' link text

Optional additionalText

additionalText: string

Allows you to specify additional text that can be viewed on demand

Optional advancedOptions

advancedOptions: AdvancedTagOptions

Optional canRequestAdditionalData

canRequestAdditionalData: boolean

Allows you to specify if additional data can be requested

Optional clickActionText

clickActionText: string

Optional text to use for a separate action button, if the tag text should not be clickable.

Optional customIcon

customIcon: string

Allows you to display a custom icon url that represents your organization. If defined, an icon will be displayed next to the field tag message.

Optional displayOrder

displayOrder: number

Tags with a lower display order will display before tags of the same field tag type with a higher display order. The default value is 1.


fields: (string | IField)[]

A collection of named fields on which the tag should be displayed.


key: string

A unique value used to identify the field tag when it runs in the application.

Optional learnMoreLinkText

learnMoreLinkText: string

Allows you to override the default 'Learn More' link text

Optional loadWhen

loadWhen: OperatorCondition[]

An array of conditions which must be met in order for the field tag to be displayed.

Optional notificationOptions

notificationOptions: TagNotificationOptions

Options to customize the behavior of notifications. If updateSilently is set, any updates to the tag after the initial display will not trigger an additional notification to the user.

Optional onClick

onClick: ContextCommand[]

An array of commands which are triggered when the field tag is clicked. If empty, the field tag will not be actionable.

Optional onLoad

onLoad: ContextCommand[]

An array of commands which are triggered when the field tag is loaded.

Optional onUnload

onUnload: ContextCommand[]

An array of commands which are triggered when the field tag is unloaded.

Optional outcomes

Link outcomes with specific tags

Optional section

section: TagSection

Allows you to create custom summary headers that your tags can be categorized under.


tagType: FieldTagTypes

Refer to FieldTagTypes documentation (usage andiskills.FieldTagTypes.Info) - different tag types options are Info, Warning, ValueForTarget and Help.


text: string

The message that gets displayed to the user.

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